Dead Reckoning: Champlain in America (animated film) and Lesson plans
Dead Reckoning: Champlain in America is a 52-minute animated documentary with commentary by historians. It is available on a DVD that can be ordered at: http://champlaininamerica.org .
Secondary level but certain sections could be used at the elementary level.
This Mountain Lake PBS film tells the story of Champlain from 1603 to 1615. It is the first historically accurate, animated documentary on Samuel de Champlain to be broadcast in the United States and Canada.
The Educators portal of the web site contains 12 lesson plans to help teachers use the documentary in the classroom. The lesson plans, developed for students in grades 6 through 12, are connected to places Champlain visited and are linked to an interactive map. They focus on themes raised by the documentary that explore history, geography, language arts, mathematics, science, technology and the arts.
To view a PDF document containing a description of the lesson plans, click on the Download button.
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